Affordable Spanish Lessons

Mountain School enrollment is limited to 9 students to keep a personal atmosphere where students and teachers get to know each other well. We strongly encourage advance reservations.
Register per week of classes. Classes are held Mon-Fri and your stay at the school runs Sunday afternoon-Sunday breakfast.
In Person Study: 2,700 Quetzales per week (includes tuition, room and board)
Online Classes: Various price packages are available
You will pay your tuition (includes room & board) in Quetzales. Please be prepared to pay the full amount in cash when you arrive at the Mountain School.
Credit Cards while traveling – Remember to notify your bank that you are traveling abroad BEFORE you leave home. Check on the international transaction fees your bank might charge.
Registration for in person and online classes is handled through Hermandad Educativa, the umbrellas organization of The Mountain School and the PLQ school. You will specify which school you want to attend when you complete the registration form.
You will be contacted within 3-5 business days of receiving your application. We recommend that you submit the application well in advance to register for classes during the summer months of June, July, and August.
1. The North America office will reply to your registration form to tell you whether there is space at the Mountain School during your preferred dates.
2.There is a $75 non-refundable registration fee. If you are a returning student, the $75 will be a tuition deposit that will go toward your first week of study and is refundable as long as your reservation is canceled 2+ weeks before you are scheduled to start studying.
1. The European office will reply to your registration form to tell you whether there is space at the Mountain School during your preferred dates.
2. The non-refundable registration fee for the European Office is Danish kroner 300 for 1-2 weeks of classes and Danish kroner 450 for 3+ weeks. If you are a returning student, the fee will be a tuition deposit that will go toward your first week of study and is refundable as long as your reservation is canceled 2+ weeks before you are scheduled to start studying.